The Grand Lodge of Texas and Reagan Lodge support a number of charities, youth organizations; as well as our local community through year-round activities.
The members of Reagan Lodge and other Freemasons have always been motivated by charitable thoughts and kind wishes for the distressed and needy. But our charitable thoughts, and good words are nothing without implementation, delivery or more; otherwise, our stated purpose is nothing more than a mirror exercise. The members of our lodge are proud of our work, and the whole-hearted labors that follow.
In the spring and fall, Reagan Lodge participates in the Grand Lodge of Texas Gift of Life Program through the Gulf Coast Regional Blood Center. These blood drives are open to the public and provide a convenient location for Houston Heights area donors.
We also support youth organizations in our community. The local Girl Scouts troop uses the lodge building for celebrations, award ceremonies and for their cookie sales in the early spring. The Lodge also assists two Masonic youth organizations: the International Order of DeMolay for Boys and the International Order of Rainbow for Girls. The Rainbow Girls regularly use the lodge facility for their special events, and they participate in joint fundraising activities with the lodge. Reagan Lodge provides financial support for a local DeMolay Chapter’s annual “Wreaths Across America” project.
Reagan Lodge provides patronage for other Masonic organizations in addition to the Rainbow Girls, and the DeMolay. Our lodge building, conveniently located at Heights Boulevard and 16th Street, is a meeting place for other charitable Masonic bodies, such as: Order of the Eastern Star, Allied Masonic Degrees, Knights Masons, Sword of Bunker Hill, as well as the Houston district’s Masters, Wardens, and Secretaries Association.
Freemasons have long supported education and Reagan Lodge has provided scholarships for high school students of Heights High School. For more than a decade four graduating seniors have received $1000 scholarships to a school of their choice. There is no need to make a special application for a scholarship, Reagan Lodges works with the school administrators to select worthwhile recipients for these awards. While the Lodge has raffles and fundraising events to help finance this project, any individual, including non-Masons, can donate to our scholarship fund.
Reagan Lodge also sponsors and host events for the community. One of our most successful events occurs on Halloween. This event is open to the public. Our recent, post-covid event brought over 1200 parents and children to the lodge where they were provided with popcorn, candy, special prizes, and games. As part of the statewide Masonic “Fantastic Teeth Fan Club” initiative, each year Reagan Lodge delivers hundreds of dental kits to three area elementary schools.
The Lodge also collects and distributes food and other items to the Food Bank, Goodwill, and other charitable organizations. Supplemental to these efforts, the Lodge members support hurricane and other disaster relief efforts in our community. When needed, the lodge opens its doors to receive and help distribute donations from other lodges, and the public. This outreach effort has sent items to assist disaster recovery efforts as far away as Louisiana.
Please visit our calendar for more information and upcoming activities and events.